Beta Caryophyllene - the spiciest terpene, how it can add pepper to your life
- Sunday, August 6 2023 at 16:32
- Snir Mutzafi
- Cannabis 101
- 2 minutes
This terpene has a rich spicy taste, similar to black pepper, it can be found in different aromatic oils such as Rosemary, as an additive, for cosmetic use (shampoo and nurture), and is one of the most common terpenes in the cannabis plant
In different aromatic and essential oils, plants, and spices
Caryophyllene has anti-inflammatory and analgesic abilities Caryophyllene managed to reduce and soothe inflammation in rats with arthritis. Mice injected with it displayed a reduction in pain in a 2013 study. [1] [2]
How does beta-caryophyllene help in cancer or interact with cancer cells? A 2007 study, tested its influence combined with an oncology medication called Paclitaxel, Beta caryophyllene increased that medication's potency and effect on cancer cells in the colon. [3] [4]
Caryophyllene promotes osteoblasts (new bone formation cells) Research showed its ability to promote osteoblastic mineralization, and cited a potential for treating osteoporosis in the future. [5]
To conclude, there is still much to be said and tested with this unique terpene, but its ability to connect with some of the endocannabinoid receptors, and the fact that it is so common in the cannabis plant, combined with its great use in cooking by it being common also in different spices and plants, are only a taste (pun intended) of what's in store for it.