How CBD can help you reduce your pain - from acute to chronic suffering

  • Sunday, August 6 2023 at 11:03
  • Snir Mutzafi
  • CBD
  • 5 minutes

Pain is not just a physical term, chronic pain affects every aspect of our lives, from relations with our family and colleagues to our inner selves, our feelings, emotions - and soul. Pain can cause anxiety, exacerbate it, can cause depression - that in return, worsens the feeling and perception of pain - a package deal sealed by the devil. It can occupy our thoughts and subconscious during all of our waking and sleeping hours, at work, interrupt our concentration, make us lag in our chores and ambitions, and make errors that can lead to getting fired, and long absences due to the long sick and vacation days.

At night, in between the sheets, pain can make it more difficult to fall asleep, and even after the sweet kiss of grandfather night, damage the quality and length of it. A big part of dealing with physical pain, is not only at its source, but the mental and emotional realm, to manage chronic pain - a pill a day is not enough. Pain does not always heal, and doctors and professionals don't have all the answers or solutions. some people will never go a day in their lives without being free of pain. But pain is not always negative, already at a young age we learn thanks to it to avoid dangers by the wish to avoid feeling it. there are two types of pain:

  • Acute pain
  • Chronic pain

What is acute pain?

Acute pain usually lasts for more than 3 months, or until a full recovery, it is the response of our body to tissue damage or injury that demands our immediate treatment and attention.

What is chronic pain?

When does pain become chronic? after the 3 months window, this is an unnormal response of our body that does not get better with time, it can be caused due to tissue damage, and survive in our body even after we are healed. chronic pain changes the way our brain and nerves process pain - this change makes the nerves signal the continuation of pain that tells your body - you're hurt !

Can CBD help in acute and chronic pain?

The level of influence CBD can have on a person changes from person to person, do not expect immediate results! But if you're willing to give this amazing compound a chance - what does it bring to the table? CBD:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic - reduces pain
  • Improves mood and sleep quality
  • Lowers depression
  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Can add to your diet in a positive way
  • Restrains THC's psychoactive effect
  • Is speculated to conserve you neurologically
  • Can be used as an anti-aging product cosmetic wise
  • Can reduce symptoms of different skin conditions (Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne)

How CBD reduces pain and inflammation?

CBD in rodents

Injection, rubbing, and digesting CBD in different studies displayed its ability to reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis, by activating different receptors in our body by activating anti-inflammatory mechanisms and interacting with different neurotransmitters.

CBD in humans

There is not enough research done on humans, and those published a lot of times involve THC, which makes it more difficult to assess the potency of CBD, without taking THC's action into account. A 2005 study tested Sativex for the treatment of joint inflammation in osteoarthritis, and in 2016 was tested on spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis. Many individuals in the last decade report a great decrease in pain, acute and chronic after starting to use CBD, for different types of pain:

  • Nerve
  • Orthopedic
  • Central

Pain does not only influence us by being limiting, but it can affect other mechanisms in our body of stress, influence blood pressure, sugar levels, and stress hormones, and can lead to the development of depression and anxiety disorders.

Why give CBD a chance when there are so many pain medications on the market?

Good question! Especially when so many of them don't even require a doctor's prescription:

  • Some people cannot take certain medications due to allergies or sensitivity.
  • Many medications affect different organs in our body, mostly by dissolving in the liver and kidneys, which means that people with kidney / liver failure or insufficiency lose a big pool of medications to use for pain.
  • People with stomach ulcers cannot use certain groups of medications (such as NSAID's) due to the risk of worsening or creating them.
  • CBD based products do not require a doctor's prescription for purchase or order, are easy to use and consume, and most have fewer side effects, sensitivities, and allergies compared to many medications

Do you know how many people die due to taking paracetamol, dipyrone, and iboprufen each year due to chronic use? If most people were aware, I'd recon they give CBD a chance.

How to take CBD for pain?

Using CBD oil for pain

  • Use under the tongue for fast absorption and activation, hold it the oil for at least 30-60 seconds before swallowing it.
  • For systemic pain in joints, headaches, and orthopedic sources.
  • It can be used under the tongue or preferably swallowed for treating gastrointestinal pain and inflammations such as Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis.

Using CBD by smoking or vaporizing for pain

  • Absorption via the lungs directly to the bloodstream, fast acting, for systemic pain, anxiety, depression, and inflammation.

Using CBD lotion and cream for pain

  • For painful and irritating bumps, rashes, and lesions in skin disorders such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and acne.
