• Wednesday, March 17 2021 at 21:57
  • Snir Mutzafi
  • CBD
  • 2 minutes

As technology advances - including cannabis-based products and applications, licensed manufacturers learn how to better use the cannabis plant by isolating, concentrating, and amplifying certain ingredients in it, including Cannabinoids and Terpenes. In some instances, the extraction of certain elements is taken out of products, and others are added to asses different outcomes. A prime example is the isolation of CBD and using it solely only due to its many qualities, these procedures of extraction of materials are:

  • Full-spectrum
  • Whole plant
  • And the opposite procedure: Isolation

There are 3 different Cannabinoid spectrums of CBD products extracted from cannabis that you can purchase, what happens after the extraction determines if it's isolated, broad or full spectrum. What are their differences and pros & cons? Glad you asked!


  • The most concentrated form - high doses of CBD
  • 99% Pure (which means that 1gr contains 990mg of CBD)
  • No entourage effect due to the lack of other Cannabinoids
  • No THC - if you're sensitive to it or fearful of failing a urine test
  • No "high" effect
  • Strict THC regulation due to the procedure of isolation
  • Flavorless & Odorless

Broad Spectrum

  • Contains CBD and other Cannabinoids except for THC – which is removed
  • Leading to strict THC regulations
  • No psychoactive effects due to the lack of THC
  • Might aid in conditions where isolated CBD alone does not help

Full Spectrum

  • Least processed form
  • Entourage effect included
  • Might be detected in a urine test
  • Flavonoids + Terpenes included
  • Might have better effect where broad and isolated CBD failed
  • Linear/legal cannabis laws